Friday, August 12, 2016


Mass Communications is the Transmission of Information to a Large Numbers of People through the Mass Media.

Mass Media (Channels or Medium): It includes Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Television, Film, Social Networking Sites, Websites, Blogs and any Technology that allows for the Dissemination of Information to the Public.

Definitions: Denis McQuail in his Book “Towards Sociology of Mass Communication” defines The Term Mass Communication as “Institutionalized Forms of Public Message Production and Dissemination on a Large Scale”.

 “The Term Mass Communication Indicates the Entire Systems within which Messages are Produced, Selected, Transmitted, Received and Respond to”
- Denis McQuail (Towards Sociology of Mass Communication)

The Imparting or Exchanging of Information to a Wide Range of People.

Mass (Lack of Individuality): The Word “Mass” means “Common People”.
It essentially means Group, A Large “Heterogeneous” Unidentified Group of People.
Usually, Shapeless, Unruly, Undisciplined, almost Equivalent to a Mob.

Communication: The Imparting or Exchanging of Information by Speaking, Writing, or Using other Channels or Medium.
Communication is simply the Act of Transferring Information from One place to another.

Mass communication is a process in which a Person, Group of People, or an Organization sends a message through a channel of Communication to a Large Group of Anonymous and Heterogeneous People (either the general public or a segment of the general public) and Organizations.

Mass Communication is an Expensive Process. Unlike Interpersonal communication, Feedback for Mass Communication is usually slow and indirect.
Mass communication is mostly a One-Way Process, with Little Feedback from the Audience, although the Internet is bringing some changes, with options that allow people to comment or otherwise provide Feedback.

Role of Mass Communication: Surveillance, Interpretation, Socialization, Democratization, Entertainment. 
The Field of Mass Communications: Journalism, Advertising, Public Relations, Management, Cinema, Political or other Campaigns, etc. 

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